It’s the end of an era as a community café which has given more than £70,000 to good causes closes its doors for the last time.

Ambry’s Community Café in Almondbury is run entirely by volunteers and profits are donated to community groups and good causes in and around the village.

The café was opened on April 20 2002 by members of local churches who wanted to create a meeting place for the community.

The café grew in popularity and now serves breakfasts and lunches and opens for a few hours every day except Sundays.

It is entirely staffed by volunteers led by chairman Eileen Booth, one four remaining volunteers who have been there since the start, 22 years ago.

The café has just announced it will close for the last time on Friday June 28.

“It’s the end of an era,” said Eileen, who is now 76. “It’s very sad and all our volunteers are really upset but we can’t carry on forever.

“We have about 40 volunteers now and many of them are older than me – our oldest lady is 94. In some ways we have been too successful for our own good because we can be so busy. We are all amateurs and it’s difficult to juggle everything at times.”

The lease to the Kirklees Council-owned premises in Northgate is coming up for renewal and Eileen added: “There aren’t any younger volunteers coming up and we just can’t commit to another five years.

“It’s been a really good community hub but nothing goes on forever and times change. When the café originally started there weren’t all the regulations that we have to deal with today.”

There’s other places to eat and drink in the village now but the low prices at Ambry’s – a full breakfast is just £6 – keep the place busy.

Over the years more than £70,000 has been given to good causes from local schools and play groups to a men’s club and a Parkinson’s choir with lots more in between.

Eileen, who was honoured for her work as one of 500 Coronation Champions ahead of the King’s Coronation last year, said it was time to move on.

There will be an ‘open house’ celebration for the community on the morning of Saturday June 29 to say a last ‘goodbye.’

In an emotional statement on Facebook, Ambry’s said: “We tried our best to keep the cafe open for as long as we could but have had to accept that circumstances are not as they were and volunteering is not as popular as it once was, with fewer people coming forward to help and no one able to replace elected officials.

“The pressure has become unsustainable and we have decided to let our beloved cafe close whilst we are at the top, with a five star rating and a solid reputation in the community. We don’t want it to slip from its high standards and will not allow this to happen.

“We hope you understand that everything has to end some time and for us that time is now.

“We thank everyone who has helped us over 22 fantastic years. We will miss all our customers and the friends that we have made throughout our years serving breakfasts to the people of Almondbury. However, we hope you will visit us before we close.

“We know that this is the right time for us and we are hopeful that you will understand and support our decision.

“We look forward to our celebration on Saturday June 29 and hope to see lots of you then.”