Officials, players and fans at Emley AFC have sent their best wishes to star striker Joe Jagger who broke two bones in his leg during a game.

The match at Barton Town on Tuesday night was abandoned as an ambulance was called to take Jagger to hospital. He had gone down after an innocuous-looking challenge. Medical teams from both clubs attended the player before he was taken to hospital in Hull.

The 31-year-old has been a revelation this season, scoring 31 goals for the Pewits. He’s the top scorer in the Northern Counties East League Premier Division.

In a statement the club said: “Emley AFC are incredibly grateful for the care and support of the Barton Town volunteers Alyssa, Lynn, and Swans’ supporter Will, who went above and beyond to assist John our physio with treating Joe and making sure he was warm and as comfortable as they could until the ambulance arrived. 

“Our thanks to them, everyone else from Barton Town, the match officials and the messages of support we have already received for Joe via social media.

“We have received an update from Jags’ family from Hull Royal Infirmary where Joe was taken to by the ambulance last night. 

“X-rays have unfortunately confirmed a double break to the right tibia and fibula. He will need an operation which will hopefully happen today (Wednesday) or tomorrow (Thursday). Joe is said to be in good spirits but hasn’t slept.”

Jagger himself tweeted from his hospital bed and quipped: “If you’re going to do it, do it right!”

He passed on his thanks to everyone who had helped on the night and added: “I also want to say a huge thank you for all the well wishes and support. I am truly overwhelmed by all the love from the non-league community.”

Everyone at Huddersfield Hub wishes Joe the speediest recovery.