Councillors in Lindley have welcomed Kirklees Council’s proposal to introduce a traffic calming feature at a problem junction.

Over the years there have been a number of reported accidents at the junction of Cowrakes Road, Crosland Road and Moor Hill Road.

The existing traffic calming on Cowrakes Road either side of the junction with Crosland Road is set to be replaced with a single flat top hump covering the approaches from all four sides.

Lindley Liberal Democrat councillors Cahal Burke and Anthony Smith believe that the new traffic calming measures will improve road safety for everyone.

Clr Burke said: “A number of residents contacted us to express concern about the road safety at this junction and they asked if any action could be taken.

“It is a busy intersection and there have been a number of accidents over the years. However, this has become more prominent and road safety has gained more significance in recent years due to the residential development across the Lindley ward and the increasing number of vehicles on the road.

“We launched a petition to demand urgent action and to improve road safety at the junction and we would like to thank residents who signed this.

“Following our campaign, we are delighted that the council have listened to us and to residents and that they have proposed to take action to ensure the risk of further serious accidents is minimised at this location.”

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His colleague, Clr Smith, said: “Traffic calming measures can be really effective in reducing accident levels and also significantly reducing the severity of accidents, when they happen.

“Road humps and speed cushions, for instance, can also help to reduce noise from car traffic.

“It is clear that something needs to be done and we believe that this scheme will help to slow drivers approaching the junction and ultimately improve road safety. This will benefit car drivers, as well as cyclists and pedestrians.”

Kirklees Council has given notice of the proposal to introduce the traffic calming scheme at the junction and are inviting members of the public to comment until October 22.