Renowned folk singer Chris Brain is performing in Huddersfield two days after his much-anticipated second album is released.

Chris emerged from the vibrant folk scene in Leeds in 2022 with his debut, critically acclaimed and widely distributed album ‘Bound to Rise’ reaching No22 in the UK Folk Charts.

His second album – called ‘Steady Away’ – due out on October 6, moves inward and takes on a more self-reflective quality, whilst retaining glimmers of soaring figures and pastoral imagery.

Brain’s distinctive warm vocal and finger-picked guitar style are sustained alongside expansive strings and delicate piano arrangements, taking shape through evolving and introspective impressions on tenderness, loss, pain and awe in nature.

Chris first picked up a guitar at the age of 17 and started busking on the streets. ‘Steady Away’ further embeds Chris within the contemporary folk scene.

Chris performs at Northern Quarter in Wood Street, Huddersfield, on Sunday October 8. Doors open at 5pm and tickets are £6 – click here to buy tickets,