Major improvement works at Huddersfield Railway Station will step up a level from Monday January 8.

Work has already begun inside the station and the next phase at the start of 2024 will involve work outside.

As part of the TransPennine Route Upgrade (TRU) works on the station roof will mean the station’s long-stay car park and part of Railway Street will be temporarily closed.

There will also be changes to short-stay parking, pick-up and drop-off points throughout the work. This will still be available, though spaces might be moved to slightly different locations. There will be extra signage to aid traffic flow and guide pedestrians around St George’s Square.

The TRU works – investing billions of pounds into improving the lines between Manchester, Huddersfield and York – will take around three years to complete.

As the work gets underway – and for its duration – train passengers are advised to allow extra time when getting to and from the station.

Huddersfield is not the only station which will see major improvements. Work is underway at Ravensthorpe near Dewsbury and large-scale works start at Mirfield Railway Station on Saturday December 30.

Trains will be diverted or replaced by buses between Huddersfield and Leeds from December 30 through to Monday January 1. Stations at Deighton, Slaithwaite and Marsden will also be improved.

Kirklees Council is supporting the TRU works which will boost its Station to Stadium Enterprise Corridor, an area highlighted for major economic development between the town centre and the John Smith’s Stadium.

Clr Graham Turner, Cabinet member for finance and regeneration, said: “As a council we’re very supportive of the TransPennine Route Upgrade.

“It links so well with everything we’re trying to achieve for Kirklees, and through the TRU we’re seeing huge investment in our public transport system and in upgrading our local stations.

“Projects like the Huddersfield Blueprint are all about encouraging more footfall in our town centres for decades to come, and having a sustainable transport infrastructure to support that will truly bring us into the 21st century.

“Strong relationships with other organisations, and always working towards the bigger picture, are how we will achieve our ambitious goals for the future of Kirklees.”