Castle Hill will be closed off to cars every night from Monday April 26 in a bid to prevent anti-social behaviour at the Huddersfield landmark.

Under the powers of an Experimental Traffic Regulation Order, Kirklees Council is introducing a high security, lockable barrier on Hill Side, close to the junction with Lumb Lane.

The barrier will be in use overnight for the next 18 months to prevent vehicles, except for emergency vehicles, reaching the summit of Castle Hill between the hours of:

November to February          4.30pm – 7am

March to May                        7pm – 7am

June to August                      9pm – 7am

September to October          7pm – 7am

Pedestrian access will be maintained at all times.

Colin Parr, strategic director for environment and climate change at Kirklees Council, said: “Castle Hill is, and always will be, an iconic site in Kirklees. We want everyone who visits to have a safe and enjoyable experience.

“We know most visitors to Castle Hill act responsibly, but sadly there are a minority who are not so considerate of others. By introducing this barrier we aim to reduce any anti-social behaviour that takes place in the car park.

“We will fully review the impact of the barrier in 18 months’ time before deciding if it needs to become a permanent feature.”

READ MORE: Amazing history of pub and hotel on top of Castle Hill

The council will assess the impact the overnight closure has on levels of anti-social behaviour in the car park at the top of Castle Hill before deciding whether to make the barrier permanent once the Experimental Order is complete.

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