The Covid-19 infection rate in Kirklees has risen by 61% over the past week with over 1,100 new cases recorded over the seven-day period.

However, despite the increase, the borough retains the lowest infection rate in West Yorkshire and its rate is now in line with the England average.

The number of people admitted to local hospitals with Covid-19 has increased this week to 29 and there was one Covid-related death recorded in the borough.

With restrictions due to ease for the whole country on July 19, Kirklees Council is urging residents to make sure they’ve had both vaccine doses to stay safe this summer.

Director of public health, Rachel Spencer-Henshall, said: “Our area is no different from many other parts of the country which have seen infection rates rise over recent weeks.

“With most restrictions coming to an end in the next few weeks, it’s so important that as many people as possible are fully vaccinated. It’s the best way to keep yourself, your family and your community safe.

“We are making it as easy as possible for every adult in Kirklees to get a jab. If you’re over 18, you can log on to the NHS website or call 119 to get an appointment right now. We’re also holding dozens of pop-up vaccination clinics across Kirklees to make it even easier to get protected. You don’t need to book an appointment, just turn up to get your first or second jab. Details of all pop-up clinics are on the council’s website.

“New pop-ups are being added every day so keep an eye on our social media for a clinic near you. Anyone can bring their second doses forward to eight weeks following their first.

“Over the past few days, a lot of people have asked me for advice about how to stay safe and keep others safe once restrictions have ended. The best thing you can do is to get two doses of the vaccine.

A vaccination clinic at a Huddersfield mosque

“It will reduce your chances of getting the virus, its impact on you if you do get it and make you much less likely to pass it on. If you’ve only had one dose, make sure you book your second so that you get the protection you need.

“There are some simple steps we can all keep taking even after we’ve had our vaccination. After July 19, you won’t have to wear a mask but if you’re in an enclosed space or around lots of people indoors, a face covering will reduce the risk of the virus spreading.

“There will always be people who can’t take the vaccine, who remain vulnerable to it or live with someone who could be seriously affected by it.

“That’s why the ‘hands, face, space’ message is still important. While the virus is out there at the levels we are currently seeing, there are risks for a lot of Kirklees people.

“We are learning to live with Covid-19. It means that testing, self-isolation and those simple steps we can all take to protect others will be part of life for some time to come. But every action you take helps reduce the spread of the virus and could stop someone getting seriously ill.

“Over the past 16 months, people in every part of Kirklees have looked out for each other, made sacrifices to keep their community safe and followed the guidelines to minimise the number of people falling ill to this virus. With infections still at a high level, we can all continue to play our part in protecting those who are most vulnerable to the virus.”