Covid-19 infection rates went up by 32% nationally in the last week with one in 30 of the population testing positive in England and Wales, according to the Office for National Statistics.

The latest figures come as Kirklees Council’s director of public health Rachel Spencer-Henshall has issued a reminder on how best to stay safe and combat the spread of the disease.

  1. Get vaccinated and take up the booster offer;
  2. Wash hands regularly;
  3. When unwell, stay away from others where possible.

Ms Spencer-Henshall said: “The most important things we can do to keep ourselves and our loved ones safe from Covid and other infections is to keep up to date with all our vaccinations, wash our hands regularly, and not mix with other people when we are unwell.

“Catching any infection may not be serious for you but it may be extremely serious for someone more vulnerable so let’s do what we can to play our part in keeping our communities healthy.

“The Spring booster jab is still available to anyone over 75 or residents who have a condition that might affect their immune system. If you’ve been invited for your Spring booster but haven’t taken up the offer yet, please do as soon as possible as this is your best chance to prevent serious illness.

Mayor of West Yorkshire Tracy Brabin gets her jab

“For everyone else, it’s never too late to get your first, second or booster dose of the Covid vaccination. These remain available to all who are eligible, and you will be welcomed with open arms and without judgement.

“Being up to date with your jabs is the best way to protect yourself but there are some other simple steps we can all take to keep ourselves, and each other, safe.

“If you have symptoms of a respiratory infection, such as Covid, and you have a high temperature or do not feel well enough to go to work or carry out normal activities, you are advised to stay at home and avoid contact with other people where possible.”

You can book a Spring booster appointment on the NHS website at or by phoning 119 free of charge (translators are available on request).

Alternatively, you can visit a walk-in vaccination site without an appointment, you can find your nearest at