More than 150 school and college pupils attended the first Artificial Intelligence (AI) Futures Conference held by the Department of Computing at the University of Huddersfield, leaving attendees inspired with AI possibilities.

The conference brought together a range of academics, who delivered a day filled with insightful discussions and hands-on experiences.

The keynote address was delivered by Prof Mauro Vallati and Prof Simon Parkinson and explored topics ranging from the types of AI development to the transformative potential of emerging technologies. Attendees gained valuable insights into the current state and future direction of the AI landscape.

Participants had the opportunity to get hands-on in workshops, covering topics such as robotics, computer vision, large language models and cyber security. These workshops demonstrated how to apply AI concepts in real-world scenarios.

A spokesperson said: “The success of the AI Futures Conference highlights the growing significance of AI in shaping our future. As the conference concluded, participants left with newfound knowledge and inspiration.”

The university offers a range of courses at undergraduate and postgraduate levels relating to Artificial Intelligence which are informed by world-leading research in the field.

For school and college students thinking of applying to university, the Computer Science with Artificial Intelligence BSc(Hons) is designed to equip students with the necessary skills to be at the forefront of this technological revolution.