A nurse from Huddersfield has received one of the profession’s highest accolades.

Sarah Shaw, clinical services manager at the University of Huddersfield’s Health & Wellbeing Academy, has been honoured as a Queen’s Nurse.

Sarah followed her mother and grandmother into nursing and qualified in 1998. She spent 21 years at The Kirkwood in Huddersfield before joining the university in 2021.

The title of Queen’s Nurse is available to nurses who have demonstrated a high level of commitment to patient care, nursing practice, learning and leadership.

Sarah was presented with her title by Prof Deborah Sturdy CBE, chief nurse for adult social care, Department of Health and Social Care, at the Friend’s Meeting House in London.

Sarah said: “I am thrilled. It is a huge privilege to be recognised with the title of Queen’s Nurse for the contributions to nursing and to the care of people in the community that I have made. It is a privilege and an honour, and I feel very proud.

“My role at the university is very community-focused and people, patients and service users are at the heart of all I do. My guiding principles and values as a nurse are to improve the quality of life for people in whatever way I can.

“Here at the university, I work with our students to create services and teams that provide personalised care that are complementary to existing community services.

“We focus on health inequalities, preventive health and improving health outcomes, providing our future health and care workforce with an innovative learning experience in a real world environment.

“As a Queen’s Nurse I am looking forward to participating in Queen’s Nursing Institute projects and shaping policy and practice in community nursing.

“It gives me opportunities to be amongst like-minded people with the same drive and ambition to improve care for people in the community.”

The university’s senior nursing lecturer Matthew Cain also became a Queen’s Nurse a year ago.