A free and informal business networking event, backed by Kirklees Council, is being held in Dalton.

The event is aimed at all businesses of any size – from sole traders and start-ups to SMEs and larger companies – as long as they are based in the Dalton ward.

Kirklees Council’s Dalton ward includes Dalton, Kirkheaton, Rawthorpe, Moldgreen, Waterloo, Lakes, Standiforth and the Leeds Road area.

The event, hosted by Dalton ward councillors Naheed Mather, Mus Khan and Tyler Hawkins and community partnership organisation Dalton Together, will be held on Tuesday November 21 from 11am-2pm at the DRAM Centre, Ridgeway in Dalton. Refreshments and a buffet lunch will be provided.

A spokesman for the organisers said: “We are keen to engage with local businesses to find out how the council and its partners can best support and profile our business community.”

Business experts from Kirklees Council will be in attendance to offer help and advice and there will be an introduction to Corporate Social Responsibility.

For more information e-mail cheryl.reid@kirklees.gov.uk