Head teachers at three high schools in the Impact Education Multi-Academy Trust have praised the resilience and exam performance of GCSE students.
They have also hailed the hard work, dedication and support of teachers and school staff and also parents and families for helping their young people through some of the most challenging times.
At one of the schools, Newsome Academy in Huddersfield, student Gaganpal Singh was the top performer with seven 9s and two 8s. Gaganpal can now take up a Sixth Form Scholarship at Eton through the Eton Orwell Award.
Mr Dean Watkin, head at Newsome Academy, said: “Overall, students have demonstrated resilience and maturity and this has been personally heart-warming to watch as headteacher.
“Another needed mention is the tremendous support and care that our families offer their child. Having worked in five secondary schools, Newsome families stand out by far and I congratulate you on the effort and lengths gone to ensure the right support and challenge that you have offered your child through these challenging times.
“It is only by working together that we can make the biggest and most positive difference in our children’s lives and we certainly have that within our community.
“At a time like no other, another special recognition needs to go out to our dedicated staff – teaching and non-teaching.
“I have witnessed relentless time, passion and dedication to ensure your child has had every opportunity to prepare for their exams.
“Whether it be in the classroom, pastoral or the administration offices, they have worked tirelessly to ensure students are all able to progress onto further education and study, and we look forward to seeing what they will achieve in the future.”

Mr Paul Brook, head teacher at Castle Hall Academy in Mirfield, said: “After several years of turbulence for students and staff I would like to congratulate all our ‘Class of 2022’ on their achievements this year.
“I am extremely proud of their successes. These results have only come about due to the hard work, commitment and dedication of all our students, ably supported by our committed and enthusiastic staff and their parents.
“Most pleasingly, this year group have not only achieved academically but have developed real character and been aspirational throughout their time at Castle Hall Academy.”

Mr Matt Perry, of the Halifax Academy, said: “We couldn’t be prouder of the students at the Halifax Academy. Their resilience, strength of character and good humour demonstrated over the past three years has been rewarded with an excellent set of results.
“This is a testament to the hard work of the students and staff and we look forward to seeing the great things that the students go onto as they leave us.”
Mick Kay, chief executive of the Huddersfield-based Impact Education Multi Academy Trust, said: “A massive well done to all our students from Impact Education MAT collecting results at Castle Hall Academy, The Halifax Academy, Newsome Academy and The Whitely AP Academy.
“Despite all the disruptions, you did amazingly well. Good luck on the next phase of your journey. Whatever you do, smile lots, work hard and be kind.
“Thank you to all your brilliant teachers and support staff for all they have done to help you on your journey.
“They have challenged, supported and cared for you during your time at school. They will miss you loads, but are so happy to be a massive part of your life so far.”