By Jenny Gibson

Pupils at Slaithwaite C of E Junior and Infant School dreamed up money-making schemes from baking and crafts to painting nails and faces – raking in over £600 selling their goods and services!

The 29 children, aged nine to 11, had the option to pocket their cash, but instead decided to donate most of it to good causes, keeping only a few pounds each as a reward for their efforts.

For the Fiver Challenge, the school lent each child £5 as a starter fund. As they learned about trade and economics, the pupils worked in groups to develop business plans that would make a return at a forthcoming school fair.

Sycamore Class teacher Chris Hudson, who organised the event, said: “From the £145 the children borrowed, they returned an amazing profit of £642.41. The deal was that they had to give half of the money they made to charity, but they opted to hand over way more.

“A total of £506.48 is going to causes including the Marfan Trust, Cancer Research, RSPCA, Dementia UK, Red Cross and Forget Me Not Children’s Hospice.”

First the children did some market research by asking younger pupils at school what they were interested in, and what they might like to buy at a school fair.

If they were baking or making, they had to calculate the unit cost and develop a pricing strategy. They then designed logos and flyers to promote their business.

Creative ideas included a Kick Off Cookies brand selling sweet treats emblazoned with football club logos – with each purchase earning a discounted go on a beat-the-goalie challenge. Another group practised face painting on their siblings, taking photos to create a menu of available designs.

Some children bought discounted goods and sold them for higher amounts, and one girl, Emily, dressed as Harry Potter and danced around, to attract the crowds to her book stall! As the fair neared its end, teams offered discounts and deals to visitors, to maximise their income.

Mr Hudson added: “Every child brought something unique to their team, using skills you don’t always see in an average geography or maths lesson. They were a real credit to the school. We’re so proud of their entrepreneurial ability, and how they encouraged and supported each other.”

The group Cookie Land – Connor, Stevie, Eli and Kasey – donated 100% of their profits to Cancer Research. Connor said: “We didn’t do it for the money, we did it to learn new skills.”