A young hair stylist has taken on an exciting challenge to open a ladies’ hair salon inside a previously men’s-only barber’s shop.

Katie Doyle, 21, has teamed up with Andrea Taylor at The Men’s Room in Huddersfield Road, Thongsbridge, to open Room 234 to cater for women and children too.

The Men’s Room celebrates its ninth anniversary in January but Andrea found there was space to expand and Katie jumped at the chance to make Room 234 her own.

Katie said: “It’s a big step and a bit scary but it’s exciting too. I’ve been doing this since I was 14 and it’s always been my dream to open my own salon.

“I want to make a success of this and I’m really ambitious. I’d love a chain of salons one day and to have my own product range.”

Room 234 opened at the end of October and Katie wants male customers to tell the women in their lives that there’s a ladies’ room now too.

Katie provides cuts, colours and occasions hairdressing – in fact everything apart from perms and hair extensions.

Room 234 is on 07729 551520 and can be found on Facebook @HolmfirthRoom234 or Instagram @room_234holmfirth