Yorkshire Water is investing £15m in its water treatment works in Fixby to further improve performance and ensure safe and reliable drinking water.

The project, which is being delivered by BarhaleEnpure JV, will see a series of upgrades at the Fixby plant as part of a wider programme by the water company to improve the quality of water across Yorkshire.

The extensive works will see BarhaleEnpure JV replacing and refurbishing a range of equipment, in addition to installing a new dosing system and completing upgrades to the site.

The work will improve the efficiency of clean drinking water production at the site, which serves approximately 80,000 homes around Huddersfield. The upgrades will increase resilience of water supplies in the area and make the most of raw water supplies from the Pennines.

Phoebe Ripley, project manager at Yorkshire Water, said: “We are continuously striving to enhance the quality of the drinking water our network provides, and the investment at Fixby is vital to these aims.

“Upgrading the treatment works is an important step towards ensuring the ongoing reliability of the facility and will enable us to continue delivering safe, clean drinking water to customers in the area.

“The changes at the treatment works will mean we make the best use of Pennine water sources, reducing reliance on groundwater and river abstraction in the region.”

BarhaleEnpure project delivery leader, Chris Mathers, said: “The works at Fixby will deliver a step change in the treatment works’ performance and ensure it exceeds the expectations of the Drinking Water Inspectorate both now and in the future.”

Delivery of the project has already begun and is scheduled for completion in spring 2025.