Work is about to start on restoring The 3 Acres restaurant in Shelley after a devastating fire on Boxing Day 2023.

And the owners Tom and Lauren Truelove have revealed their plans for the new-look venue.

Lead contractor Radcliffe Construction will carry out an extensive programme of works to the entire building, including a complete kitchen rebuild.

There will also be eight brand new luxury bedrooms, new interior schemes and an update to the restaurant’s popular Oyster Bar.

Tom said: “There’s been a lot happening since the fire on Boxing Day, and every spare moment has been dedicated to making decisions and creating plans to welcome guests back to the Acres.

“However, when one chapter ends, another exciting one can begin – and myself, Lauren and the team here are excited to share a glimpse into what we’ve been working on over the past few months.

“Firstly, great food and an amazing atmosphere have always been, and will remain, at the heart of The 3 Acres – and both will certainly continue when we re-open.

“We’ve made a few decisions to refresh our interior schemes in the bar and main restaurant area, whilst being mindful to maintain the age and integrity of what was there before.

“We are very keen to ensure that when we welcome our guests back to the Acres, it ‘feels’ the same with a sense of nostalgic familiarity.

“We hope to make the bar area an informal space where guests and residents can have a drink in between lunch and dinner.

“Things will still feel familiar, though; most of our memorabilia that has been collected over the last 56 years and adorns the walls and halls of The 3 Acres survived the fire, and will be back taking pride of place.”


Lauren revealed updates to The 3 Acres menu could be on the horizon, as well as changes to the Oyster Bar.

She said: “As a chef and foodie, Tom is naturally very excited about the plans for our reimagined Oyster Bar. We can’t say too much yet, but guests can expect a more immersive dining experience in this much-loved corner of the Acres.

“We’re also taking the opportunity to evolve our menu a little. Tom and our head chef, Tom Davies, are currently enjoying the process of starting to experiment with old classics and new favourites, whilst ensuring flavour and locally sourced ingredients remain paramount.”

The couple also explained that they are taking the opportunity to redesign eight of the restaurant’s bedrooms as part of the project.

Tom explained: “We’re taking the time to knock down a few walls – we don’t do things by halves – to redesign our bedrooms and create cosy and comfortable accommodation that overlooks the rolling hills beyond the Acres.

“Our bridal suite will, of course, remain for guests who choose to get married with us, and Lauren has been working closely with our interior designer, North Yorkshire-based House of Joan, to curate beautiful, luxury schemes for each of our bedrooms, which we’ll be sharing more details on soon.”

Speaking about when the venue is likely to re-open, Tom said: “Believe us when we say that no-one more than us would love to be able to give a set date, but there’s still lots to do – and we want to get it right.

“Rushing would mean compromising, and that’s just not something we’re willing to do as a family-run business with a heritage of more than 56 years delivering exceptional hospitality.

“At the moment, we’re on track for the first quarter of 2025, but of course we’ll share more in due course as we work towards welcoming everyone back to the Acres.”