Why I Work In… is a monthly feature, sponsored by Huddersfield-based Scriba PR, where we ask people about their jobs and the industry they work in. This month it’s Ben Greenwood who is CAD Sales and Support Manager of CADaptor Solutions in Lindley. We put our questions to him.

Tell us a little bit about CADaptor?

Established in 1993, CADaptor Solutions is very much at home in the computer aided design (CAD) industry. Used by everyone from architects and engineers to transport planners and construction managers, we help organisations to identify and adopt the most cost-effective CAD technologies.

An official Bricsys reseller, we also use our technical expertise to create custom software for both our AutoCAD & BricsCAD clients — whether that means maximising their current packages with additional functionality or introducing them to solutions which better meet their needs.

Our team also develops and distributes CONE Software — a program aiding in the creation of temporary road traffic control diagrams and route diversion schemes. It’s a technology that has completely changed the sector, taking it from paper-based, hand-drawn sketches to accurate, map based technical drawings which are now industry standard.

Having been in business for 28 years, we also use our knowledge to provide technical support and training courses for anyone who wants to learn CAD. We can train people who are complete novices, right through to advanced users who have been working with the software for years.

And what’s your role there – how would you describe your job to an alien?

I cover everything from product research, technical support, digital marketing and sales to IT and software development. So, you could say I do a little bit of everything, with every day bringing a new challenge.

How long have you worked in this sector?

I’ve worked in the sector for 16 years, having joined CADaptor straight out of university. My role has changed a lot during that time, offering me plenty of opportunities to develop my expertise within web/software development and CAD.

What skills make someone a good CAD sales and support manager?

Any job based around IT or software is constantly evolving, so you have to be willing to continually learn, as well as be open to new ideas and evolving technologies.

It’s also a very busy sector with a great deal of competition. Maintaining good communication and great levels of customer service is key to ensuring you deliver exactly what the client wants, while retaining a competitive edge.

What’s your advice for people getting into CAD?

Don’t be afraid to get stuck in. There are so many ways to achieve the end result, it’s very rare that your first idea will make it to your final package.

In any project you will hit issues that you didn’t anticipate — be prepared to adapt your ideas and try again until you reach the desired outcome.

If you could describe your job in only three words, which would you choose?

Creative problem solving.

What do you love most about it?

Problem solving — I love working on a challenge. By breaking the trickier issues down into smaller tasks, you can refine each area until you have an elegant solution that you are happy with.

What word would your colleagues use to describe you?

Tenacious – I don’t give in easily! There is always a way to achieve your goal.

Where do you hope your career may take you?

I’d like to become a real source of knowledge that our clients can rely on, whatever the query.

In this sector, innovation is never far away — which is why I constantly strive to stay on top of any new developments. I’m committed to helping our customers become more productive, whether that’s with BricsCAD or other emerging technologies.

If someone is reading this and thinks, ‘I’d love to work with CADaptor’, what should they do?

Anyone who uses, or wants to use, CAD can become more productive — whether that’s through better software or additional training. Get in touch, tell us what you need, and we’ll tell you how we can make it happen.