Why I Work In… is a monthly feature, sponsored by Huddersfield-based Scriba PR, where we ask people about their jobs and the industry they work in. This month is Ash Ramzaan, the founder and principal consultant of Woodley BioReg – a Huddersfield-based pharmaceutical company.

Tell us a little bit about Woodley BioReg?

We’re a pharmaceutical consultancy specialising in supporting global manufacturers in speeding up the development and registration of their products.  We’ve been established over 20 years and support some of the world’s biggest companies as well as many smaller start-ups locally. 

Our areas of expertise are regulatory affairs and quality assurance for biologics, pharmaceuticals, and medical devices.

And what’s your role there – how would you describe your job to an alien?

I’m the MD and founder of the business.  Whilst this may sound like a grand title, I’m definitely a hands-on person preferring to work with clients and colleagues to deliver projects.  I probably have the most varied role in the company, ranging from day-to-day operational management, business development, and ongoing work with clients.  It’s a role that I would definitely fail in without the diligence and support of the rest of the team at WBR.

How long have you worked in this sector?

All my working life; in excess of 30 years!

What skills make someone a good MD / consultant?

Apart from the technical knowledge, remaining honest and flexible are key attributes.  Things always slip and priorities shift, so being able to adapt to changing situations in often faced-paced projects is important.  A collaborative approach based on trust in other team members to deliver their roles effectively is key to the overall success of our client projects and of Woodley BioReg.

What’s your advice for people looking to get into consulting?

Don’t rush; being able to draw on experience is only possible when you have accrued it; that foundation takes time.  Being prepared to start at the bottom and work through to more senior roles should be based on this practice, leading to a fulfilling role.  It’s the old adage of “all good things come to those who wait.”

If you could describe your job in only three words, which would you choose?

Challenging, varied, fulfilling.

What do you most love about it?

Working on scientific problems is satisfying in itself, but add to the that fact that our work is geared towards the pharmaceutical sector where we’re privy to the development of drugs and treatments that won’t be available for decades in some cases, adds a further dimension of motivation.  We’re lucky to be able to work on projects with clients based as far afield as China and South Korea, and cover life-saving products and treatments that include the latest developments in life sciences.

What word would your colleagues use to describe you?

Tenacious (I think!)

Where do you hope your career may take you?

I hope I can continue to develop as an individual and be able to put more back into helping others in their careers as potential future consultants.

If someone is reading this and thinks, I’d love to work at Woodley BioReg, what should they do?

Pass their exams, complete a life sciences degree, get some industry experience, and give us a call.