Golcar United manager Ash Connor was left frustrated and downbeat after the Weavers’ 7-3 defeat to Bury AFC on Tuesday night but insists the team must now forget that result and quickly move on. 

United took on top of the table rivals Bury AFC in a big clash in front of 1,500 spectators. The defeat leaves Golcar fourth in the table and brings to an end their unbeaten run in all competitions. 

On the loss Connor said: “It’s obviously gutting, all the lads were very down after the game. We know we are better than that and that’s the most upsetting thing. 

“It was a shock the result but give credit to Bury they are a very good side and I said from the start they should win the league. It was just an off night for us and they were on top form.

READ MORE: Ash Flynn hit two as Golcar United went down 7-3 to Bury AFC

“We need to remember what we did to Pilkington a few weeks ago is what Bury did to us on Tuesday. I know it might be boring to say it but it’s true at this level anyone can beat anyone. 

“We just have to pick ourselves up and go into Saturday’s game looking to make things right. 

“We have got an experienced dressing room and we trust the players in this squad, it was simply an off night and that’s all there is to say. No point dwelling on it too much.”

Golcar’s next game is a trip to 14th place Daisy Hill on Saturday.