Welcome to Huddersfield Hub, a fresh, vibrant and positive news outlet for Huddersfield.

People love local news. They want to know what’s going on in their town, their village or down their street.

People’s appetite for local news has never waned. What has changed is how families live their lives and want to have their news delivered. That’s why local newspapers aren’t what they used to be.

Huddersfield Hub wants to be the local newspaper you always wanted but with the news presented when and how you want to read it.

Whatever you used to read in a local newspaper we want to cover. Community groups, voluntary groups, charities and individuals doing their bit to make a difference – we want to hear from you.

Community news and grassroots sport is important to us. Junior football, local league cricket, rugby league and union, tennis, badminton, bowls. You name it, we want to hear from you.

We support local businesses, too. They’ve had it tough during the pandemic but they have adapted.

We support Huddersfield town centre and we want to tell the stories of traders and small businesses who have battled through and are ready to bounce back.

Of course, it’s difficult right now. The global pandemic has put almost everything on hold – but that’s why now is a brilliant time to launch Huddersfield Hub.

We’d love to be telling you about all the fabulous places in Huddersfield you could visit, the pubs and restaurants serving up great food and drink, the events and activities you could take part in.

But we can’t – for the moment. We will get through the pandemic and life will return to ‘normal’, though ‘normal’ may be a little different to what we were used to.

For now people need something positive. They need a distraction, they need to be entertained and informed.

Who needs a constant diet of bad news, doom and gloom? Not us. We want to give people hope.

We’re not going to chase breaking news but at the same time we’re not going to pretend everything is rosy if it isn’t.

We want a balance – but we will accentuate the positive. We’re professional, local journalists and fairness, accuracy and impartiality are what we believe in.

But if we think something is wrong for Huddersfield and the community we won’t be afraid to have an opinion. We’ll use our voice to help those who don’t have a voice.

We’ll have great journalism too, proper stories for you to read.

Huddersfield Hub will be really good but it’s you that can help make it really great!

Huddersfield Hub is run by a not-for-profit Community Interest Company, we aim to be self-financing and sustainable for the long term.

No one is out to make a quick buck. We want to involve the community, we’re inclusive and everyone, from any background, is welcome to join us and have their voice heard.

Huddersfield has had a great past and can have a great future. The pandemic has offered a real and lasting opportunity to re-shape and re-boot what we want from our town and our local communities.

We believe in Huddersfield and if you believe in it too please join us.