The University of Huddersfield is to deliver an Artificial Intelligence Skills Bootcamp that will connect people to employment.

Starting on Monday October 18 and funded through the National Skills Fund as part of the Government’s Plan for Jobs, this 16-week AI Skills Bootcamp will provide learners with the opportunity to build both their tech and non-tech skills, therefore enabling them to be fast-tracked to an interview with an employer. 

Working with employers, local authorities and a consortium of universities, led by the Institute of Coding this skills bootcamp will support learners from across the UK to develop personalised learning and employment plans, alongside a range of Artificial Intelligence and transferrable skills.

The Skills Bootcamp will combine interdisciplinary expertise from across the university including a team from Computer Science, led by Prof Richard Hill, a team from Huddersfield Business School, led by Dr Abdul Jabbar and the university’s Careers and Employability Service, led by Dave Stanbury.

Prof Rupert Ward, who is leading the AI Skills Bootcamp at the University of Huddersfield, said: “The Skills Economy is rapidly evolving, both in the UK and globally.

“Employees are expected to reskill in response to these changes, and job applicants need to demonstrate they have in demand skills in order to be selected for interview.

“Our Skills Bootcamp is being provided in response to a local and national need from employers for Artificial Intelligence capabilities.

“Learners will understand how they can use AI within a variety of workplace roles alongside planning and preparing for their future career.

“The course will focus on supporting and developing independent learners with a broad understanding of technology, digital skills and how they can contribute to the skills economy.”

Artificial Intelligence is increasingly underpinning large aspects of the digital economy, automating how organisations and society function.

Autonomous systems, intelligent systems that can act independently to accomplish goals based on their knowledge and understanding of their environment, are already being used to complete a broad range of tasks.

To find out more go to the website Skills Bootcamp – University of Huddersfield