By Andy Hirst

A Huddersfield charity which provides free school uniforms has put out an urgent appeal for winter coats.

Uniform Exchange gives away thousands of school uniforms to families across Kirklees every year but with winter looming its stock of coats is virtually empty.

There are 15,000 children in Kirklees living in poverty – the equivalent of one in four households – and the cost-of-living crisis is making life even tougher for families struggling to make ends meet.

It’s very easy to donate a coat. Simply drop one off at the many Uniform Exchange collection points spread across Kirklees. To find the one nearest to you go to 

Last year the charity gave out 1,600 coats, hats, gloves and scarves and it will need even more this year.

Uniform Exchange project director Kate France said: “It’s going to be extremely cold this winter and many children in our community are not ready for it.

Pictures of Kate France by Matt Radcliffe Photography. Image above left by Farida Najafguliyeva on Pexels.

“For many families this winter is different to many others with people all over the UK unable to afford heating and electricity. The pressure on families to heat the home, even with the temporary support in place, means more children will be relying on warm clothing than ever.

“The past 10 years have seen Uniform Exchange collect and distribute school uniforms and coats to more than 15,000 children in the local community, enabling them to go to school in appropriate clothing. We want to continue to support these children through these freezing months by supplying them with winter coats, gloves, hats, scarves and underwear.

“Having your support in these cold winter months will help us ensure all Kirklees children have access to coats and underwear and feel happier to attend school, allowing them to be warm, feel included and be more inclined to learn.

“If you can donate a good, preloved coat suitable for school we’ll find a child in Kirklees who can reuse it.” 

To request a free coat contact the Uniform Exchange team on 07955 724789 or email Alternatively, visit to learn more about Uniform Exchange or to donate money to support the charity.