Ahead of the dedicated Kirklees Year of Music in 2023, the project team organising the event has announced a new partnership with Third Sector Leaders, which has been brought on board to support their volunteer initiative.

Third Sector Leaders Kirklees is a registered charity and the local infrastructure body supporting community and voluntary groups, charities and social enterprises in Kirklees with over 2,000 contacts in their network.

The organisation will be supporting Kirklees Year of Music by scoping its approach to volunteering for the dedicated Year of Music events in the region. Third Sector Leaders are an accredited Volunteer Centre for Kirklees and run a volunteering website and ‘one-stop shop’, allowing organisations to be matched with individuals interested in volunteering.

Their volunteering service offers advice and guidance to organisations on volunteering policy and procedures and co-ordinate the Kirklees Volunteering Quality Award. 

Kirklees Year of Music 2023 will welcome visitors from across the district and from afar to a year-long programme that will create a vibrant soundtrack played in the hearts and homes in all Kirklees towns and villages. 

The Year of Music will work to strengthen the music sector across Kirklees and develop ways to support a strong and safe night time economy in the district. The year-long programme will focus on facilitating world-class music education, training, and skills, as well as unlocking the potential of music to enhance both physical and mental health and wellbeing.

Clr Will Simpson

Commenting, Clr Will Simpson, Cabinet member for culture and greener Kirklees, said: “The Year of Music programme is a ground-up initiative. It builds on the unrivalled music heritage of Kirklees, which is founded on community music – from choirs to brass bands.

“We want to build on this passion for volunteering in music, to offer opportunities to meet new people, gain new experiences and develop skills.

“Working with the Third Sector Leaders will be invaluable for us. Volunteers will help to shape and deliver the Year of Music – from and for the communities of Kirklees.

“This is the start of a journey around volunteering and we look forward to working with Third Sector Leaders on this, and on future developments.”

Val Johnson, chief officer of Third Sector Leaders, added: “Third Sector Leaders Kirklees are delighted to be involved in this exciting partnership with Kirklees Year of Music – volunteering is at the heart of cultural activities across the borough and we aim to celebrate and strengthen existing volunteering as well as developing new opportunities for local communities to get involved.

“We look forward to offering our expertise in developing high quality and meaningful volunteering opportunities which benefit local communities and leave a lasting legacy for Kirklees Year of Music.”

Find out more here:  https://www.musicinkirklees.co.uk/third-sector-leaders-commissioned-to-support-kirklees-year-of-music-volunteer-initiative/