Planning permission has been granted to redevelop much needed dementia day care facilities in Huddersfield.

The Homestead in Almondbury will be demolished and replaced with a single-storey, modern facility that meets the needs of people living with dementia and their carers. This is part of plans to invest £11m in dementia day care facilities across Kirklees.

Frank Shaw Associates is designing the new 30-place facility which will include a wellbeing zone, activity zone, a home therapy zone and a sensory garden.

Each zone will also incorporate the latest assistive technology including sensory lighting and sound systems. The space will be flexible to accommodate the physical disability, sensory and mobility needs of the people who use these services.

Clr Musarrat Khan, Cabinet member for health and social care, said: “I am delighted that plans are progressing to better enable our residents to live well with dementia.

“The facilities will help the people who use these services to maintain their independence as much as possible. They will also provide much needed daily respite for their carers.

“We have already implemented trailblazing dementia design principles in other council facilities through our unique collaboration with the University of Stirling’s Dementia Services Development Centre.

“These new facilities will be another step forward in our plans to make Kirklees an inclusive place to live for residents living with dementia.”

Existing users of The Homestead were transferred to alternative premises last year to ensure continuity of support to both service user and their carers.

The existing building is set for demolition in the winter of 2022. Further details can be found at