The Farnley Tyas Craft Fair is back after Covid forced its cancellation last year. 

Twenty-five stalls will be open in St Lucius’ Church from 10.30am on Saturday, October 2. Bespoke items on sale range from illuminated bottles and jewellery to wooden toys and candles.

The church’s popular Community Cafe has also reopened after the pandemic-induced closure. It is now open from 9.30 each Tuesday morning with tea, coffee and cakes provided on a rota by the village Community Group, the WI and members of the congregation. There is no charge, but donations are welcomed.

Churchwarden Monica Wells said: “The last Craft Fair was a great success and it is a pleasure to be hosting community events again in church after such a long break.

“But lockdown give us the chance to build a small toilet extension, install a new kitchen and increase the space at the back of church to allow us to cater for more events, from talks and concerts to classes and functions.”