The end of an old year and the beginning of a new one is always a time to reflect – and then look forward.

Yes, 2022 had its challenges from the devastating war in Ukraine to the Prime Ministerial merry-go-round at No10, the highs of the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee celebrations to a period of national mourning to mark Her Majesty’s passing.

Then there’s the cost-of-living crisis, spiralling energy and food prices, double digit inflation and a looming recession.

But through it all Huddersfield people have shown remarkable positivity and fortitude and Huddersfield Hub has told some heart-warming and inspirational stories in 2022.

Huddersfield people have continued to be generous in their support of charities and good causes and are always willing to help those in genuine need.

That’s why, as we enter 2023, there’s every reason to be positive and hopeful for the future. Blue skies and warm sunshine lie ahead and better times will return.

And with these Huddersfield people – and thousands more unsung heroes in our midst – we know we can look after eachother and step into 2023 with confidence knowing we can get through this together.

In the words of Her Majesty: “We should take comfort that while we may have more still to endure, better days will return.

“We will succeed – and that success will belong to every one of us.”

Here are seven stories to warm your heart.