Jean Boothroyd, of Fenay Bridge, raised an incredible £1,600 for Yorkshire Cancer Research by hosting a successful coffee morning and cake stall.

The event was held on September 30 at The Wesley Centre at Almondbury Methodist Church.

As well as selling her delicious home baking on the day, Jean sold cakes in the run-up to the coffee morning. The event also featured a charity raffle, chocolate tombola and book stall, organised by Jean’s friends, and was supported by members of the Huddersfield Volunteer Group, Yorkshire Cancer Research.

Jean has hosted an annual coffee morning for Yorkshire Cancer Research since 2016. Over the years, she has raised £8,700 for the charity.

Jean said: “A special thank you to my family, friends, everyone at Almondbury Methodist Church and our wonderful supporters. We are delighted to have raised an incredible amount.”

Jane Dutton, chair of the Huddersfield Volunteer Group, Yorkshire Cancer Research, said: “Yorkshire Cancer Research would like to thank Jean, her supporters, and friends at Almondbury Methodist Church.

“The amount raised over the years is incredible and will help to fund world-leading cancer research in Yorkshire.”