Two serving members of the 4th Battalion of the Royal Yorkshire Regiment went to Aden Lodge Care Home in Clayton West on Armed Forces Day.

Stephen Henderson and Jason Lingard spoke to residents about their roles in the Army, the countries they visited on duty and medals they received during their careers.

Stephen, who has been in the Army for 30 years, said he had been to Canada, Africa, America, Ireland, Afghanistan and Gibraltar, among other places.

Resident Audrey Mellor, 78, took particular interest in hearing about the monkeys in Gibraltar who stole food and personal items from passers-by.

Eunice Bedford, 90, told the soldiers about her son who had served in the Army, alongside other residents speaking of their relatives who had been in the armed forces.

While chatting with the residents, Stephen and Jason also helped with the refreshments trolley, serving cups of tea while answering questions.

Sarah Durham, home manager at Aden Lodge Care Home, said: “We’d like to say a massive thank you to Stephen and Jason for visiting us.

“Our residents thoroughly enjoyed meeting them, hearing about their roles in the Army, asking lots of questions, and telling them about their own relatives in the armed forces.

“It was a walk down memory lane for many, as they remembered their relatives who had served in the past.

“Armed Forces Day is an important occasion for our residents, as they remember and show their appreciation for those who have served, as well as those who continue to serve in the armed forces.”