Former Huddersfield gymnast and pub landlord Brian Hayhurst and his wife Elaine are ex-pats who have lived just outside Fuengirola on the Costa del Sol for 20 years. He writes a regular blog for Huddersfield Hub.

We are delighted you’ve had a taste of summer in Huddersfield this week but if you are contemplating a holiday here in very sunny Spain you need to think carefully about sun protection.

Slip, slap, slop, as they say. Slip on a shirt, slop on sunscreen and slap on a hat.

The forthcoming summer here is forecast to be brutal, as with other parts of Europe, breaking all records for temperatures. Children especially do need to be protected.

I know this all too well as I have gone through some serious skin cancer treatments over the past few years and now only venture out smothered in Factor 50 creams and wear cover where I can.

The cancers are a result of many years of working outdoors, stupidly without appropriate head gear and no sunscreens.

We have experienced many times temperatures which are quite unbearable. On occasions, like the photo above shows, the height it can reach in certain circumstances. We are not expecting that but it is going to be very hot!



The Spanish people will celebrate with enthusiasm any form of anniversary, special occasion or one of the many religious dates. One such event which brought hoards of people of all ages to the beaches last weekend was The Night Of San Juan.

On every stretch of beach up the entire Costas and beyond there were bonfires and fireworks celebrating the feast of St John The Baptist (San Juan) to commemorate his passing.

This deeply rooted pagan ritual using fire and water with bonfires lit at midnight are used to ward off evil spirits which are said to roam freely at sunset.

It is claimed that at midnight a dip in the sea will cleanse and purify the soul, bringing happiness for the remaining year.



Effigies (Juanillos) – similar to England’s Guy Fawkes, are burned at midnight representing everything that must be purified. The picture above features the much-disliked Putin.

This very popular event may seem a bit mysterious with Brits and other nationals, but they join in the fun anyway.

One segment of the evening is the ‘fire leap’, when young men attempt to leap over the lighted fires in bare feet! We know a lot of Huddersfield folks who would revel in this!

Over the past 10 years and more, the rail link between Fuengirola and Marbella, incorporating Estepona etc, has once more become a major topic with experts, mayors and engineers all rallying the government to look seriously at this train service which they say will alleviate overcrowding of the main highway and give many towns along the coast much to gain.

The recent forum of leading experts agreed that the link should now be underground throughout, with two double lines in both directions. Where all the excavations will go, and who pays, are big considerations.


  • Multiple new X-ray scanners at Malaga Airport, with several more planned, will help to get things moving with the anticipated massive surge of visitors. There will be five double lanes with 10 machines.
  • The Spanish government has decided to scrap VAT on olive oil, a basic commodity seen as ‘liquid gold’, hoping to reduce its inflation figures!
  • As Euro 24 football takes over many bars and big screens, we can only hope that England might go all the way…
  • The annual Las Lagunas feria here is underway, which kickstarts the hundreds of others in Andalucia. And the spectacular Cirque du Soleil is packed out nightly in Malaga.

Catch up on Brian’s previous blogs HERE