Progressive Scholes Cricket Club are pressing ahead with a £70,000 refurbishment of their Chapelgate pavilion.

Fundraising is already under way so the Huddersfield League Premiership club can have state-of-the-art changing facilities in place for next summer.

Work is planned as soon as this season finishes in mid-September and will be completed over the winter.

Chairman Lee Elvidge, who is also club groundsman, explained the current pavilion is now 30 years old and and upgrade is needed to future-proof the Holme Valley club, who will celebrate their 150th anniversary in 2026.

“We are keen to improve the facilities, not just for the current players but also for the excellent boys and girls we have coming through our thriving junior sections,” said Elvidge.

“The club is already a great place for all the community – we completely rebuilt the main clubhouse in the winter of 2007-08 – but it’s time to take our facilities to the next level with a complete refurbishment of the pavilion. It has served us well for the past 30 years and, with a top-notch refit, it will continue to do so for generations to come.”

A JustGiving page with a target of £20,000 has been set up to provide a financial backbone for the project, which will be undertaken by trades people from around the club.

The current changing rooms will be extended to incorporate the balcony areas, with sliding glass doors and balustrades.

Inside will be completely new shower and wet room areas, an improved set-up for umpires and vastly-improved, designated female changing rooms.

A new scorebox and electric scoreboard are also part of the plan, which will be energy efficient and as climate-friendly as possible.

Scholes CC’s Chapelgate ground. Image by: Padraig Spillane

“There is already a lot of interest with people pledging money to make Scholes CC an even better place for people to enjoy,” added the chairman.

“We are generating more teams at all levels and we are also keen to attract more female players with a specially-designated changing area for them.

“The club recently hosted Yorkshire Under 18s against the Lancashire women, and they are eager to return next year, so we hope to stage more county games in future.”

Elvidge explained the refurbishment project is a real team effort.

“All sections of the club have given their support, and we hope as many former players and friends of the club from home and abroad will get involved on the JustGiving page to help us provide the best facilities possible at Chapelgate.”

if you’d like to visit the club’s JustGiving page click HERE.