By Andy Hirst

A day-long conference is to be held in Huddersfield to discuss ways to achieve zero waste by reusing and recycling along with other innovate, forward-thinking schemes.

The conference called Zero Waste: Enabling the Circular Economy will be held at Heritage Quay on the University of Huddersfield campus on Wednesday, February 22, from 9.30am to 4pm and is free to attend.

The main themes are food and textiles and it’s aimed at community enterprise and charity projects, businesses and policymakers involved or interested in the circular economy – getting people to reuse and recycle more – and minimising waste.

One of the speakers will be Kate France, founder of Huddersfield-based Uniform Exchange which keeps school uniform out of landfill by asking parents to donate it and then giving it away to families in Kirklees who can’t afford school uniform or want to help the environment by reusing it.

Other speakers will talk about community food hubs, clothing exchanges for refugees, upcycling fashion and how we go from zero waste to net zero. The day will also feature workshops to encourage discussion.

The conference has been organised by the University of Huddersfield’s Centre for Sustainability, Responsibility, Governance and Ethics (SURGE), Upcycle Fashion and Environmental Projects in Kirklees (EPIKS).

There are nearly 800 circular economy community initiatives in this region from repair cafes and food banks to furniture recycling schemes.

For more information and to book, go to