Householders who use their garden as their own personal waste tip could face prosecution and big fines.

That’s the warning from Kirklees Council after three separate cases were brought before magistrates, leading to a combined bill for fines and costs totalling more than £3,000.

Kirklees Council served anti-social behaviour Community Protection Orders demanding the gardens be cleaned up. When they were ignored the council took court action.

Stephanie Holroyd and Kieran Roberts, of Hazel Crescent, Chickenley, Dewsbury, were each fined £660, with surcharges of £66 and costs of £200.

Holroyd and Roberts breached their Community Protection Notice by storing black bags full of household waste including rotting food in their back garden. They also had a dismantled brown leather sofa in the front garden.

Nathan Scott and Chelsea Allcock, of Partridge Crescent, Thornhill, Dewsbury, were both ordered to pay £440 fines, surcharges of £44 and costs of £225 each. They were also served with a Remedial Order, requiring them to remove the waste from their garden within 42 days of the hearing.

David Gledhill, of Holly Road, Thornton Lodge, was given a fine of £40 with a surcharge of £34 and asked for a costs contribution of £250 due to his financial circumstances.

He was also served with a Remedial Order requiring him to clear the waste from his garden within 28 days.

Clr Naheed Mather

Clr Naheed Mather, Cabinet member for environment, said: “We received 110 reports of anti-social behaviour of this sort last month and resolved 103 of them.

“Taking people to court is our last preferred option in these situations but if residents do not comply with the Community Protection Notice, then they leave us with little choice.

“Using your garden as a personal tip creates eyesores, which affects everyone in the neighbourhood. We have five Household Waste Recycling Centres in Kirklees, so there is no excuse for this sort of behaviour.”