Huddersfield Parish Church in partnership with North Kirklees Interfaith is hosting a gathering of faith leaders from across Kirklees to pray for peace in Ukraine and in conflict zones across the world.

The multi-faith Prayers for Peace event on Thursday April 7 at 6pm will begin with prayers led by the Bishop of Huddersfield, the Rt Rev Dr Jonathan Gibbs, and faith leaders from across the district.

The event is being supported by the Mayor and Mayoress of Kirklees, Clr Nigel Patrick and his wife Judith, along with the leader of Kirklees Council Clr Shabir Pandor and the chief executive Jacqui Gedman.

The Rev Canon Rachel Firth, Vicar of Huddersfield and co-host of the event, said: “The situation in Ukraine at the moment is truly horrific.

“Many in the Kirklees area’s diverse communities have direct experience or are closely linked to the suffering in conflict zones around the world.

“This event expresses our desire to show solidarity and fellow feeling with the Ukrainian community now they too are sharing that terrible experience.”

The Rev Canon Mark Umpleby, of Batley, added: “I’m pleased as co-chair of North Kirklees Interfaith to be joining with others from all around Kirklees for Prayers for Peace.

“The horrific events taking place around the world – including in Ukraine – call us as people of different faiths and beliefs to respond as we can to help – and if we pray – to pray for peace.”

The event will begin with prayers led by faith leaders in St Peter’s Gardens at 6pm. Participants will then move into the church building where the event will continue with music, poetry and candle lighting, connecting both to what Ukraine is experiencing now and the experience of peoples in war-torn nations around the globe. People of all faiths and none are welcome.