‘Undercover’ police are targeting offenders in and around Huddersfield Bus Station.

Officers in plain clothes are carrying out evening patrols with the aim of tackling knives and drugs offences.

The Huddersfield Town Centre Proactive Team has warned criminals more operations are planned after they launched a new initiative at Huddersfield Bus Station last week.

Seven people were stopped and searched and knives and suspected drugs were found on one man who was arrested on suspicion of possession with intent to supply drugs and weapons offences.

Another person seen engaging in anti-social offending was also dealt with by means of a community resolution.

The Huddersfield Town Centre Proactive Team operates on a daily basis in the town to target priority and prolific offenders operating in the town centre.

Recent activity has seen officers target repeat offenders for retail theft and drink related disorderly behaviour, resulting in offenders being jailed.



Insp Mark Pattinson, of Kirklees Police, said: “Commuters and residents should be able to go about their business safely and these new patrols are intended to make life difficult for anyone tempted to use the bus station for criminal purpose.

“Our officers could be there at any time and are being deliberately deployed in plain clothes to allow us to monitor and then take action against anyone seen committing offending.

“Our overt high visibility patrols in uniform do, of course, continue but those thinking of using the bus station to commit any sort of criminal activity should be warned that while they may not see a yellow jacket, it doesn’t mean we aren’t there.”

He added: “The town centre proactive team was formed to target and convict prolific offenders whose offences can affect both businesses and residents using the town centre day to day.

“I would ask anyone who has information or intelligence about those committing criminal acts in Huddersfield to contact the team on 101 or online at www.westyorkshire.police.uk/livechat.”


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