A petition signed by thousands of people over proposed car parking charges in Honley and Meltham has triggered a debate in council.

More than 6,000 people have signed a petition against the move, forcing a debate at a full meeting of Kirklees Council.

One of the organisers of the petition, Holme Valley North independent councillor Charles Greaves, said plans for ‘blanket’ charges in all 57 free council car parks across Kirklees made no sense.

Clr Greaves said: “The rationale given for the policy is weak, lacks detail, has no economic impact assessment and there is no proper financial business case to support the policy.

“The argument that the charges are needed to support the work of the council is a false one. It fails to address the legal restrictions on how any surplus parking money can and can’t be used.

“Whilst there is no business case or any financial details it is clear that some car parks would run at a loss – resulting in even more pressure on the council’s budget.

“Why would you bring in charges if it would lose you money and have a negative impact on a community and businesses?”


Riley Lane car park in Kirkburton

Clr Greaves said a lack of alternative public transport, particularly for rural villages, had not been considered nor had how drivers’ habits would change, shifting cars from car parks onto the streets.

“In the villages we need more parking and we need effective parking management – we don’t need charges,” he said.

“Using a tactical approach would see short-stay car parks to encourage turnover of spaces. It would mean some car parks being permit only, it may see some transferred to town and parish councils but it would also include retaining long-stay free parking.”

Clr Greaves said villages were very different to towns and added: “Whilst charges in the towns might make sense, outside of these locations the adverse impact on local shops and services could be substantial and very little thought has been given to this so far.

“This council has hollowed out Huddersfield and Dewsbury with its policies – please don’t do this to our villages. Rather than one size fits all, the council needs to stop and think.

“It needs to look at the type of car park, its role, its location, the options and choices and what the impact will be on a site by site basis – and it needs to talk to ward councillors, residents and businesses and it needs to listen instead of forcing through this policy.

“There is no public support for charges in Honley or Meltham and none elsewhere either.”

A petition of more than 3,000 signatures triggers a debate at full council and another big petition against parking charges in Cleckheaton has also triggered a debate.

Both are on the agenda for the full council meeting at Huddersfield Town Hall on Wednesday July 17.

Main image (top): Car park in Honley by: Huddersfield Hub photographer SEAN DOYLE


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