Olympic silver medallist Caden Cunningham met fans young and old when he visited a Huddersfield care home.

Taekwondo star Caden, 21, a former student at King James’s School in Almondbury, went to Lindley Grange Bupa Care Home with his dad Trevor.

Staff and residents at the care home had been cheering on local lad Caden at the Paris Olympics, posting words of encouragement and wishing him luck on social media. When Caden saw the good wishes on Facebook, he responded to thank them for their support.

Activities co-ordinator Becky Hirst invited the athlete to the care home once he returned to Huddersfield, and he jumped at the opportunity.

Becky said: “We’ve been watching lots of Olympic events this year, having it on all the TVs throughout the home.

“Many of our residents here are big sports fans. We particularly wanted to cheer on Caden Cunningham as he’s one of our own – it’s so special knowing he’s from down the road and has got so far in his sport.

“We were thrilled when Caden responded to us on Facebook, and even more blown away that he chose to visit us in person to say thanks. We were all starstruck and in awe of his silver medal, but he was so lovely and friendly.”



Staff dressed the home with a balloon arch and had glasses of fizz to toast his success. Residents made him a card and crafted their own silver medals to match Caden’s, which the athlete proudly wore alongside his own medal.

They also presented him with a glass plaque which read: “Congratulations, Caden, we’re so very proud of you. From everyone at Lindley Grange.”

Resident Angela Gill said: “I loved watching lots of sports during the Paris Olympics. It was great to meet a real-life Olympic medallist. Caden was very nice, and it was great to hear about his time in Paris first hand.”

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