Neighbourhood police officers in Huddersfield are urging residents to secure their doors and cars after spotting a ‘worrying’ number of opportunities for sneak thieves in the town.

The Huddersfield Neighbourhood Policing Team (NPT) is reminding households that a sneak thief can be in and out of a property in seconds after officers noted a number of open car windows and front doors during recent patrolling.

Sneak-in thefts often increase from Spring onwards as people leave doors and windows open. Police are warning people not to make it easy for opportunist thieves.

Insp Graham Dyson, of Huddersfield NPT, said: “A recent patrol of Huddersfield highlighted for me the worrying number of people that leave windows and doors ajar.

“It only takes a few seconds for an offender to nip in and grab something. You may not know for some time that anything has gone and this can give offenders time to use items such as bank cards.

Huddersfield Police Station

“Please, even if you are just leaving your house to nip into the garden secure your home, and when leaving your car check it, make sure that valuables aren’t left in sight and that the doors and windows are closed.

“If anyone sees any person acting suspiciously in an area please don’t hesitate to contact police. I would much rather attend and find that the person isn’t suspicious than having to attend a subsequent crime and see the distress that the offence has caused to the victim.”

Crime prevention advice on how to beat sneak thieves and updates can be found at the ‘sneak in’ page on the West Yorkshire Police website HERE.

Alternatively sign up to WYCommunity Alert for updates regarding crime and anti-social behaviour in your area, and further crime prevention advice.

If you see any suspicious activity contact West Yorkshire Police via 101. If you suspect a crime is in progress then dial 999.

Information regarding offenders or crime can also be sent direct to West Yorkshire Police via or anonymously via Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.