Schools across Kirklees have benefitted from new bike and scooter storage thanks to funding from the West Yorkshire Combined Authority.

As part of Kirklees Council’s commitment to increase safe and sustainable travel to school, the funding worth a total of £64,100 has enabled the installation of new storage facilities in 27 local schools.

The council wants to encourage staff and students to cycle to school. Studies suggest children who ride their bike or scooter to school are happier, healthier and more engaged in the classroom.

And an increase in other modes of transport will enviably reduce traffic around the school gates, helping to improve air quality.

It is hoped by providing secure storage it will help encourage more children to scoot or cycle knowing they can easily and securely store their bikes and scooters on arrival at school.

The 27 primary and secondary schools gained a total of 148 bicycle parking spaces and 240 scooter parking spaces. In addition to dedicated storage space other benefits include security and protection from the weather. The scheme is backed by Modeshift Stars, an organisation which supports active travel.

Clr Naheed Mather

Clr Naheed Mather, Cabinet member for environment, said: “The impact of more sustainable and active travel should not be under-estimated.

“The positive effects of choosing an active mode of transport to get to and from school has on both adults and children’s wellbeing, as well the knock-on effect to the environment, is significant with improved air quality and less congestion on the roads.

The funding that was received has gone a long way to help our schools promote active travel to and from schools.”

Schools wanting to find out more about the scheme should visit the Modeshift Stars website, and if they then need advice and support on how to start the process, they should contact Kirklees Council’s Road Safety officers via