NFU Mutual Honley has supported The Welcome Centre in Huddersfield for the second successive year.

In light of the national emergency back in March 2020, NFU Mutual was allocated a £1m national fund to support local frontline charities.

The fund was open to nominations from local branches to support charities within their communities who were supporting people during the pandemic. 

Matthew Gummerson, one of the partners at NFU Mutual Honley, made the nomination and The Welcome Centre was delighted to receive £1,582 from the fund back in June 2020.

This year, NFU Honley have partnered with The Welcome Centre for the coming year and have made a further donation to the foodbank of £1,451.62.

READ MORE: How you can help The Welcome Centre

Matthew said: “NFU Mutual has been proud champions of rural communities the length and breadth of the UK for over 100 years, supporting local causes is part of what we do day-to-day.

“In 2020, we recognised the vital need for support by local frontline charities in light of the Coronavirus pandemic.

“We set up the Agency Giving Fund, which was a £1 million initiative to help our local communities across the UK deal with the unfolding situation and increase their resilience for the future.

Emma Greenhough, at the Welcome Centre. Pic by: Northern Exposure

“In response to the ongoing challenges faced by communities across the UK, we’ve announced a further £2 million to the national Agency Giving Fund for 2021.

“As a local business in the Huddersfield area, we are aware of the vital work carried out by The Welcome Centre and are pleased to support them once again in 2021.”

Emma Greenough, fundraising manager at The Welcome Centre said: “The continued support of local businesses such as NFU Mutual Honley is vital to the work of our food bank.

“We saw a huge rise in demand during 2020 and although demand has dropped to a more manageable level, we are seeing more and more families needing our support.

READ MORE: Stafflex support The Welcome Centre

“We provide on average 25,500 meals per month to those in crisis and so the support of Matthew and his team at NFU Mutual Honley means a lot to us.”

Find out more about NFU Mutual Honley HERE. To make a donation or find out more about The Welcome Centre visit or contact Emma Greenough on