Newsome Panthers have done it again in what they’ve described as ‘The Invincible Season.’ The club have won all five competitions they entered and they’ve gone through the whole season unbeaten, winning all 23 matches.

The Panthers achieved the same feat last season meaning that since coach Richie Hawkyard took over in 2021 they have won nine trophies and 40 games out of 40! 

The Panthers have won the Division 2 League Shield, the Division 2 Grand Final, the Holliday Cup, the League Cup and the Supplementary Cup.

On another trophy-laden season, Hawkyard said: “We can’t ask for anymore! We won every game and won every trophy we could. It has been an incredible start to our time at the club and I feel like we are building something special here. We have had some tough games this season but everyone has pulled together and that has pleased me most. 

“Winning the Supplementary Cup shows we have got some talented younger players coming through the ranks too.

“We have developed that structure more as a club this season bringing the younger ones through and so I feel we have definitely moved forward on a number of fronts both on and off the field.”

Going forward Hawkyard knows it is going to be a tougher season as the club will either be promoted to Division 1 or the Premier Division where they ultimately want to be.

Images by: SEAN DOYLE

He said: “We want to play at the highest level we can and challenge those top teams and I think we can do that. I have watched a number of Premiership games and I really think we could compete in that league. I’m not saying we’d win the league but I think we could compete for sure.

“The league will decide what division to put us in but we have requested to go straight up to the Premier Division. We beat Almondbury in the Holliday Cup and they defeated a number of Premier division teams on the way to that final.” 

Newsome will have to wait a few more weeks to see what league they would be promoted to.