It’s become an annual tradition over three decades and it’s the only bus running in Huddersfield on New Year’s Day.

Newsome Green councillors are hitting the road for their free, volunteer-run bus service.

The bus service runs from Berry Brow, through Newsome village, Huddersfield town centre and up to Huddersfield Royal Infirmary.

It has run for 31 years with only one break in 2020 due to the pandemic. Newsome Green Party councillors Andrew Cooper, Sue Lee-Richards and Karen Allison all volunteer on the service. Sue’s husband Gideon Richards also helps with the driving.

Clr Cooper said: “We never thought when we began the service that it would still be going all these years later. We used to run a service on Boxing Day until services were re-introduced a few years ago.

“People really appreciate the service. It helps them see relatives in hospital, do some shopping and nip out to see friends for a drink or a meal.

“Sometimes we pick up people standing at bus stops who have no idea there are no bus services running on New Year’s Day.

“It’s something we look forward to each year. There’s always a new story each year of someone we have helped who would otherwise be stuck or have to pay for an expensive taxi. We are grateful to Kirklees Council who now loan us the minibus for the day.”