The new leader of Kirklees Council has agreed to pause unpopular plans to introduce parking charges in free car parks in towns and villages across the district.

Thousands of people have signed petitions against the charges which they say will hit small businesses, impact low-paid workers and cause a parking nightmare on local streets.

The previous Labour Cabinet raised parking charges in Huddersfield, Holmfirth and Dewsbury town centres and wanted to introduce charges of up to £6.50 a day in the 57 council car parks which are currently free.

In a rare show of unity across the council chamber, councillors of all parties – including Labour – condemned the charges.

During a debate at full council, shortly after being elected the new council leader, Labour’s Carole Pattison agreed to look again at the policy.

“I think it’s time for a pause and it won’t be going to the next Cabinet meeting due on August 8,” she said. “I do think ward councillors weren’t consulted and they and other organisations such as businesses should have a further say.”



The move was welcomed by one of the councillors who has been most vocal against the charges.

Holme Valley North Independent Clr Charles Greaves, who helped organised a 6,000-signature petition in Honley and Meltham, said the proposal hadn’t been fully investigated.

He said the council had failed to produce a business case and added: “The rationale is weak, it lacks detail and there’s no financial impact survey. It would be nice to see some numbers behind it but nothing has been provided.

“What is clear is that some of the car parks will be run at a loss. How perverse could that be? We have a council struggling for money and we are going to introduce charges that cost the council to bring in – at the same time as having a negative impact on communities and businesses.

“It’s worrying that it’s got so far without someone having a think about what the impact is going to be.”

Clr Kath Pinnock (Lib Dem, Cleckheaton) said almost 6,000 people had signed a petition against charges in Cleckheaton.

Charges of £6.50 a day would hit patients attending a doctor’s surgery at one end of the town’s main car park while volunteers working in town centre charity shops would face a ‘tax’ on volunteering, she said.

Cleckheaton councillors had been told by a council consultant that free parking was the “best asset you have.”

The same charges for all towns and villages just wouldn’t work, said Clr Pinnock, a former council leader. “One size fits all has never worked in Kirklees.”


Riley Lane car park in Kirkburton

Clr Richard Smith (Con, Kirkburton) condemned the charges but said in this case one size DOES fit all because “it’s a bad idea for everywhere!”

Clr Smith said after charges rose in Holmfirth local people had seen a change in parking behaviour as drivers tried to avoid charges.

“What we are seeing is some really poor behaviour by people who resent the charges or just cannot afford them,” he said.

“They just go as far out of the town centre as they can and park on the street causing problems for people getting off their drives.”

Clr Mark Thompson (Con, Birstall and Birkenshaw) said traders had been through enough in recent years with Covid, energy price rises, changes in VAT and a cost-of-living crisis. Any proposal should be put on hold until a full business case had been produced.

Clr Martyn Bolt (Con, Mirfield) called for an economic impact assessment and urged support for small businesses.

“Our small businesses are not seeking a handout, they are seeking a hand up,” he said.

Clr John Taylor (Con, Kirkburton) said: “This was a rushed proposal, it was not well thought through. It was incomplete. They missed out some car parks. They said there were six spaces at Shepley Library but if you can get more than three cars in there they must be Dinky cars!

“They were going to charge in the library car park in Shepley but not in the car park at Kirkburton Library which is twice the size.”


Town End car park in Golcar


Clr Taylor said in the rural villages there were “parking wars” on a daily basis and introducing charges would make that worse.

“We need to think what the impacts are, not just about the financial returns,” he added.

Clr Viv Kendrick (Lab, Heckmondwike) – a member of the previous Labour Cabinet – said: “I did put in an objection when this was going out so I am really pleased at what Carole has said. I do think this needs three coats of looking at.”

Spen Valley Labour MP Kim Leadbeater welcomed the decision to pause the charges and has written to Clr Pattison urging her to drop the idea altogether.

Ms Leadbeater said: “I have always opposed new parking charges and I continue to oppose them now.

“If free parking ends in Cleckheaton, Heckmondwike, Mirfield and Birstall it will hit local people, shops and businesses hard. There is likely to be a decline in visitor numbers which our brilliant small businesses cannot afford.”


Labour back in control of Kirklees Council as Carole Pattison is elected council leader