It’s officially spring on Monday and the weather is distinctly balmy – but winter hasn’t finished with us yet, says Huddersfield weatherman Paul Stevens.

Temperatures “soared” into double figures and reached 14C in Huddersfield on Wednesday and the weather this week will remain pleasant and settled.

Salendine Nook-based Paul, who trained with the Met Office, says spring will start settled with mild winds coming up from the Canary Islands.

However, by next weekend unsettled Atlantic weather will make a return and it will turn distinctly colder with chilly nights.

Huddersfield weatherman Paul Stevens

“Winter hasn’t finished with us yet,” said Paul. “The weather will be pleasant enough and it will feel warmer in the sunshine.

“But we will start with the usual battle we have every year as winter turns into spring between the cold Arctic air from the north and the warmer air from the south.

“Enjoy the settled weather while it lasts this weekend when you go out for your daily exercise or start tidying up the garden because it won’t last.”