A 16-year-old from Huddersfield is in the finals of Miss Teen Great Britain this weekend.

Emily Green from Meltham attended Honley High School and is now studying fashion at Manchester City College.

The Miss Teen GB contest is not a beauty pageant – the judges are looking for someone with a great all-round personality. The contest will be held in the Globe Theatre inside Blackpool’s Pleasure Beach on Sunday (Oct 15).

Emily danced for nine years at Bodyrockerz School of Dance in Milnsbridge and became a National Pairs Champion as well as becoming a Premier Championship Dancer, the highest achievement in freestyle slow dancing.

Emily said: “I would love to go to university and be a fashion designer one day. I entered Miss Teen just for fun originally not thinking I was going to make the final. I can’t wait to meet girls from all over Great Britain and just enjoy the whole experience.”

Emily’s mum, Vicki, said: “The judges are looking for an all-rounder – a girl that is fun, kind, caring, polite and generally encompasses what a representative for young teens should be.

“The marks are based on how the teen comes across during interview, how they carry themself on the stage, their personality and style.”

The organisers state: “Miss Teen Great Britain offers teenagers the chance to participate in a competition that combines glamour while celebrating their success and achievements. It gives our finalists the character-building experience of a lifetime.

“This UK pageant is about empowering teens, having fun, making friends and incredible memories.”

Written by ANDY HIRST who runs his own Yorkshire freelance journalism agency AH! PR (https://ah-pr.com/) specialising in press releases, blogging, website content and copywriting.