The Mayor of Kirklees Clr Masood Ahmed officially opened a new children’s play area in Huddersfield’s Beaumont Park.

The Friends of Beaumont Park worked closely with Kirklees Council’s parks development officers on the creation of the play area.

A mix of traditional equipment and natural play areas were incorporated into the design including boulders, rope pull-ups, swings, slides and roundabouts including wheelchair accessible and other inclusive play features.

A replacement was also commissioned for a much-loved piece of play equipment which was deemed no longer fit for purpose, reflecting feedback gathered from communities.

The scheme was made possible by contributions of over £196k from the council’s Playable Spaces programme alongside additional funding of over £74k, raised by the Friends of Beaumont Park. This included more than £24k from the West Riding Masonic Charities Ltd towards funding equipment for those with disabilities.

The mayor said: “This is an incredible achievement and shows what can be done with joined up working between communities, volunteers, and the council.

Beaumont Park view of Castle Hill

“Huge congratulations need to go to the council team for their vision and support in this partnership, to trustees and volunteers from the Friends group for their contribution in helping to raise additional funds to realise this dream, and the community for their ideas, involvement and their patience in making this a reality.

“I’m sure it will be a place that will provide so much enjoyment and memories for many generations to come.”

The design of the play area was completed by the council’s Landscape Architect Team with procurement and installation also completed and managed by the council.

Clr Naheed Mather, Cabinet member for environment, said: “It is great to see the play park officially opened and the vision for the space realised.

“This is a fantastic example of what can be achieved through partnership working and I hope the park brings joy to many people and families in and around the local area.”