Marsden FC has had a busy September both on and off the pitch. With results flying on the field and progress being off of it, boss Luke Haigh says the club is buzzing.

He said: “September has been a great start for the club as a whole. The first team are unbeaten so far in the Yorkshire Amateur League and the reserves are starting to pick up their own results in the district league as well, winning their last two league fixtures.

“The new players I brought into the club have settled in really well. We are gelling as a team but, most importantly, as a club. It’s not just the player ability I want at the club, it’s getting the right characters in as well who fit in with our ethos. 

“We have had a massive overhaul in players, staff and committee members over the summer. We are all striving to make Marsden the best it can be on and off the field. The club is buzzing at this moment in time and long may it continue.”

There is lots to report on from behind the scenes and Haigh gave Huddersfield Hub an update on how things were going. 

He added: “We have had so much going on behind the scenes. We have a new player walkway now built, the dug-outs are now up and should be completed by mid-October. 

“The clubhouse is due to be renovated shortly with a new kitchen and roof to be installed. We are looking into some new floodlights for the ground too. 

“We have so many more plans for the future as well but, as of now, we are on track for where I want the club to be.” 

Haigh wanted to say a huge ‘thank you’ to two people at the club in particular. He said: “I’d like to personally thank our chairman Adam Frost and treasurer Simon Pearson for all the hard work they do off the field. 

“They are both now pushing to make Marsden the best it can be and for that I’m grateful to both. I’d also like to thank ex-chairman of the club Tony Dolan who is there with me week in week out doing bits and pieces to keep the club nice and tidy.

“He’s a superb man to have around the place and he is Marsden through and through.”