The London Underground map is iconic … but if the Underground stops were all pubs in Huddersfield this is what it would look like.

Huddersfield Orderaround is the latest version of a map first drawn by Yorkshireman Steve Lovell seven years and a lot has certainly changed over the years.

Pop this in a frame on your wall and it’ll be a magnet for anyone who visits and may even give you ideas of some of the hostelries you’ve always wanted to visit but never quite got round to.

There are pubs that have been open longer than anyone can remember alongside those which have popped up this year.

It’s a painstaking labour of love for 48-year-old Steve who loves to take on challenging creative projects.

Steve said: “In the mid-1990s I saw a hand drawn tube map style diagram of Wakefield pubs.

“My first Kirklees map was done in 2016 and I’ve now done over 40 pub maps including all of West and South Yorkshire plus many other places like York, Chester and Newcastle.

“The new second edition Kirklees map took a few weeks to create and has 318 places on it. It’s all been redone from scratch rather than just adjusting the original. To accompany the new full Kirklees map I’ve also updated a smaller A3 map of just the Huddersfield area.

Steve Lovell with his pub map of Kirklees outside the White Swan in Huddersfield town centre

“I’ve recently been on social media groups for areas of the district to ask for any suggestions for places to add, remove or change. The feedback has been really helpful so the map is as accurate as possible right now but I’m always happy to make further ongoing amendments.

“I print them off individually as each order comes in so changes can be quickly made.”

Steve revealed how he goes about designing the maps.

“I begin the maps by plotting places on a map on the computer using various sources of information from the internet,” he said. “Then, as much as possible, I try to check that each place I’ve found is still open by checking further sources such as Facebook, web pages and Trip Advisor.

“After all that I begin the challenging design work of condensing it all into a geometric diagram. It’s always a lengthy puzzle, but it’s satisfying to get everything to fit and work out.”

Steve added: “I don’t include members’ clubs on my maps, but it’s not unusual to see cafes, hotels and restaurants on them if it seems like you just get a drink from those kinds of places.”

Steve, who lives in Leeds, has recently revised all his maps for West Yorkshire and made new ones for all of South Yorkshire.

The large Kirklees map is £15 while the A3 sized map of Huddersfield is £12.50. These prices are less if buying more than one and include postage.

The maps can be viewed or bought at

  • Written by ANDY HIRST who runs his own Yorkshire freelance journalism agency AH! PR ( specialising in press releases, blogging, website content and copywriting.