Lindley Community Group has produced a Lindley-themed calendar for 2022 with all proceeds going to Lindley Community Food Bank.

The calendar features views and landmarks including some of the local independent shops, Lindley Clock Tower and Lindley Methodist Church.

There are also shots of the annual Lindley Carnival and popular 10k race.

All photos in the calendar were taken by local residents following a photo competition.

To help fund the calendar, local businesses were invited to support Lindley Community Group through sponsorship and each month is sponsored by a local business.

The calendar can be purchased for £5 with all proceeds going to Lindley Community Food Bank, a food bank which was set up by Lindley Community Group recently.

Lindley councillors Anthony Smith (left) and Cahal Burke with the Lindley calendar

Lindley Community Group chairman Clr Cahal Burke said: “I would like to say thank you to everyone who made the 2022 Lindley Calendar possible.

“This includes local residents who got involved in the photo competition and kindly provided their photos for the calendar. It also includes local businesses who provided sponsorship money. I would also like to thank Kirklees Council, who assisted in producing it.”

His colleague, Clr Anthony Smith, secretary at Lindley Community Group, added: “It’s fantastic that we’ve been able to produce a Lindley calendar for 2022 involving local residents and businesses.

READ MORE: Preparations are underway now for Lindley 10K 2022

“The proceeds will go to Lindley Community Food Bank and we hope it will help the food bank to grow.

“Unfortunately, food bank use in the UK has grown by more than a third compared to pre-Covid-19 levels.

“There are economic factors and we are seeing household incomes decreasing and the cost of living increasing and unemployment levels rising.

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“We know that there are many families and individuals in Lindley who need additional support. As always, food banks rely on the support of their local communities, so we would always encourage local people to donate, if they can afford to.”

The 2022 Lindley Calendar is out now and available from Lindley Library and local shops in Lindley.

Further information about Lindley Community Group can be found on their website at:

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