Let All Men Sing! – a community choir inspired by Colne Valley Male Voice Choir – is back for 2024.

It’s a project aimed at giving men with little or no experience of singing a chance to give it a go.

Held for the first time in 2023, the choir brought almost 40 men, from all walks of life, together to learn how to sing.

Some hadn’t sung since school, others wanted to polish their skills and others hadn’t hit a note in their lives!

Choir chairman Joe Stones said: “Anyone who sings knows how good it is for you. It helps your breathing and posture, it keeps your mind sharp, improves confidence and communication, and is a great way to meet people that you’d otherwise never run in to.

“But we know that joining a choir isn’t for everyone – the commitment, the audition, the fear of being the worst singer in the room, are all intimidating.

“So we wanted to try something new – a choir for people who don’t want to join a choir! No commitment, no audition and absolutely no judgement.

“Let All Men Sing! could be the answer. Be part of the community, meet new friends, learn a new skill, improve your well-being and have more fun.”

Around a dozen new singers joined the main choir and appeared on stage at the choir’s A Festive Celebration at Huddersfield Town Hall in December.

Registrations are open now for the eight weekly rehearsals at The Civic in Slaithwaite starting on Thursday January 18 (7pm-8.30pm). There is a one-off £20 registration fee.

At the end of the eight weeks the new singers will take part in a celebratory concert at St James’ Church in Slaithwaite on Sunday March 17 (2.30pm).

There’s no audition and you don’t need any musical experience to take part. Register at http://www.letallmensing.co.uk or e-mail LAMS@colnevalleymvc.co.uk for more information.