People in Kirklees are being encouraged to complete an online survey about climate change and carbon reduction.

As part of Kirklees Council’s phase two climate change actions, an important resident survey focussing on climate change has gone live this week.

The aim of the survey is to gather current thoughts and feelings from residents on climate change and carbon reduction on a local and personal level, as well as gauge support for the council’s net zero ambitions for 2038.

Themed primarily around the council’s action areas, the survey seeks to find out what residents are actively doing to reduce their impact on the environment, and their motivations for doing this. It also explores barriers people might face and why some don’t do anything at all.

Information gathered from the survey, which will run for four weeks, will be collated and provide valuable insight for the Kirklees Climate Change Action Plan, helping to shape the final version and inform the identification of actions.

Colin Parr, strategic director for environment and climate change, said: “It’s important for the council to build an accurate picture of what climate change actions people are taking on a personal level and the barriers residents might face in trying to make changes.

“Additionally, the level of support and understanding from residents for what the council has achieved, and its ongoing ambitions for a net zero district by 2038, is key to informing our Phase Two Climate Change Action Plan.

“Ultimately, they affect everyone who lives and works in Kirklees, but also contribute to the national net zero ambitions for the country. I would wholeheartedly encourage everyone to take a few moments out of their day to fill in the survey.”

A detailed update was provided earlier this year on the progress the council has already made since the authority declared a climate emergency in 2019.

Digley Reservoir by: SEAN DOYLE

A number of key actions which the council has met as part of its Phase One Climate Action Plan included:

  • Beating a target of 40% council emissions reduction, reaching 53.5% a year early;
  • Sourcing 100% of its energy from renewable sources for council buildings and schools which has cut district carbon usage by 17,250 tonnes a year;
  • Planting tens of thousands of trees each year and are leading the White Rose Forest scheme which is planting seven million in West and North Yorkshire by 2025;
  • Invested £1 million in the council’s vehicle fleet to convert to electric and low emission vehicles;
  • £1 million invested in electric vehicle charging;
  • Converted 97% of streetlights to LEDs;
  • Launched a retrofitting pilot for council homes which has achieved a 75% carbon saving for the tenants saving them £350 a year on their bills.

The initial version of the Phase Two Climate Change Action Plan, currently being developed by officers, will be published in late summer, with the results of the survey also made available.

Residents can take part in the Climate Change Mitigation survey by following this link